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A Rant

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Is there anyone in the media who is capable of generating an independent thought and holding it for any length of time, other than the blowhards on the right. Steven Colbert's speech/spoof on the President at the White House Press Corps dinner was freakin brilliant, not simply because it was funny but because, unlike the press corps, Colbert had the balls to take it to the president to his face. Yet, as I sit here watching the Chris Matthews Show, Laura Ingraham, right wing imbecile, is shouting that Steven Colbert bombed and Andrew Sullivan agreeing with her, albeit it with the conditional statement that while he may have bombed in the room, it created a sensation on the internet . I'm sorry, did I or did I not hear loud and continuous laughter in the background of the video?

What is the source of this cowardice. With the notable exception of the Air America and Mother Jones radio network hosts, no one in the media is willing or able to take a stand and call this administration, the Republican party and their policies what they are and that is corrupt, divisive, and inherently inimical to the vast majority of the American people.

What do these two things have in common? The fact that media types can't even defend something as simple as Colbert's speech speaks volumes about the sorry state of American media and the long road we'll have to travel to get our democracy back now that the gatekeepers have been bought off.