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Vigil to Support Cindy Sheehan

Monday, August 15, 2005

An urgent call to action has been sent out by DFA (Democracy for America), MoveOn.Org & True Majority to hold a nationwide candlelight vigil in support of Cindy Sheehan this Wednesday night at 7:30 PM. Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan who was killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004. She and many others are at this very moment camped outside of the George Bush's Crawford Texas ranch that the fawning press corps has dubbed White House West. She simply wants to ask the Commander-In-Chief for what noble cause did her son give his life, and for this she has become the target of every member of the Republican Smear Machine, who have dared to call her a traitor and are at this very moment broadcasting the details of her impending divorce in a shameful effort to discredit her.

Please, I implore you to click on the title of this post and find out where a vigil will be held in your area. Sign up. If you have the time write a letter to the local papers and the TV stations so that they are there to capture our unity. If you don't have the time that's OK, the simple act of joining your fellow man in denouncing this war and supporting a mother who gave the ultimate sacrifice for Bush's war will be enough. Even if you support the war, go to a vigil and show the right wing that what they have said about Mrs. Sheehan is the wrong thing to do to a mother of a soldier. Please.

Greg Colvin

Maggie Gallagher is an Idiot: Part 1 of Many

In case you don't know who she is, (and if your from Columbus we have been spared the agony of reading her drivel in the Dispatch), Maggie Gallagher is one of the many conscience-less right-wing "journalists" who has taken money (more than $25,000) from the Bush administration to talk up their programs. In her latest installment of misinformation, Maggie lends her support to the Republican sound bite senator, the man Stephanie Miller calls Senator Man-on-Dog, that's right Rick Santorum. Click on the title of this post to read her op-ed piece on Yahoo News before you read my email to her.



Once again you skip the point of the more than accurate criticism of Rick Santorum and his book, although you are right that no one thinks kids wouldn't be better off being able to spend more time with one or more parents. My problem is with Santorum's statement that the two incomes are unnecessary and that a woman's desire to work is a result of feminist propaganda. The simple fact is, especially now in the fabulous Bush economy, that almost all families, at least those not taking money from special interests, need two incomes to make ends meet. I don't have the book in front of me, so I can't argue each and every point, (not that I would since rational arguments have no effect on right wing hacks like yourself,) but "douche bag" is, in my view, the least of the terms that could aptly describe Santorum.

Feel free to flood Maggie's mailbox: