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A few little tidbits from last week

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Congratulations to the Dixie Chicks whose new album Taking The Long Way debuted at #1 despite, or maybe because of, the various and sundry articles in the mainstream media (MSM) questioning whether or not they could succeed after having insulted the Commanduh-in-Chief and thumbing their noses at country fans. The CD sold more than 560,000 copies in the first week. I even shelled out for a new copy and I haven't bought a new CD in years. Still, country radio still isn't playing the song, but with it's popularity, that's unlikely to to be the case for much longer. Hooray for free speech!

Last week on The Ed Schultz Show, David Sirota, author of "Hostile Takeover : How Big Money and Corruption Conquered Our Government--and How We Take It Back" and Al Franken Show regular, named Ohio Senate candidate Sherrod Brown one of the four best Democrats in or running for Congress.

The comment followed a discussion of how at least a quarter of the Dems in Congress have aided and abetted the Republican demolition of our government over the past five going on six years. We all know who we mean when we talk about Democratic sellouts, the most obvious being Bush bootlicker Joe Liebermann, but not surprisingly Sirota named Senators Joe Biden, Evan Bayh, and Representative Rahm Emmanuel to his list of the four worst Democratic congressman. When asked to name four good ones, Sirota singled out Brown for his opposition to the Democratic party's position on trade. The other three named were Vermont Independent Rep. Bernie Sanders, (who is running for the Vermont Senate seat this November,) Wisconsin Democratic Rep. David Obie and Paul Wellstone, the former Minnesota senator.
10:23 PM :: ::
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