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To the Lily-Livered Liberals

Monday, May 01, 2006

From Red Angel @ Empires Fall

There's a kind of person on the left who seems to be afraid of conflict.

I'm not talking about war, I'm talking about political conflict. Acrimony and stress, sturm und drang. They don't want people making noise and rocking the boat. They don't want anyone making the righties mad, because when they get mad (hell, even when they're not mad) they throw tantrums and yell, and that scares the lily-livered set.

We don't need you people. We need people who aren't afraid to stand up. If you're afraid, then sit the fuck down and don't get in the way of the rest of us who are willing to speak truth to power. Go back to your rainbow-family drum circles and pass the peace pipe while you wait for Rummy and the draft board to come for your children.

I've been watching right-wing nutjobs for years. I think that by and large they're more stupid than evil. And in fact, it's often not even stupidity as blind authoritarianism. It's so easy for loud, angry father figures to manipulate them.

And guess what, shrinking-violet brigade: you aren't going to gardenparty them to death. You aren't going to shut them up by feeding them cute little cucumber sandwiches.

They're used to that.

If you let it go far enough, they'll be at your garden gates with axe handles. And long knives. That's the kind of person they are, make no mistake. They're weaklings, just like you, but when there's a struggle, and one side is afraid to even hurt any feelings, I can tell you which side is going to win. If you're so much of a coward that you're afraid to even let anyone else offend, then you deserve what you're sure to get.

The nutjobs don't respect you people, because they know you're snivelling coward weaklings. I agree with them.
11:33 PM :: ::
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