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Much Ado About Gas Price

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The continuing debate over gas prices and what's to be done about it gets more idiotic as the days go by. Uber-capitalists on the right continue to trumpet the free markets clarion call of supply and demand while Democratic senators continue to demand big oil's heads on a silver platter. So who's right, who's wrong and who's to blame? As Shakespeare wrote and Edward R. Murrow quoted, "The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars but in ourselves."

Understand me when I make this statement. I am not saying that Big Oil, the American automotive industry and our "leaders" in government are blameless but, I am saying that our lack of concern regarding almost every aspect of what our elected officials do in our name and our reluctance to inconvenience ourselves even slightly when it comes to our economic choices has allowed this crisis to revisit itself upon the country.

However all is not lost and corrections can and should be made, but they must be made by government, the energy industry and the automotive industry and that will only happen if they are forced into it. The first step to power is knowledge so let's break this gigantic problem into bite size pieces. The links below are meant to be read in order but I hope that I have done each of them enough justice so that you can glean something useful from each in and of itself.

10:24 PM :: ::
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