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A Call To Arm Yourself with Facts

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Welcome to the War on Stupidity where we, the people of the United States for whom this republic was created, gather facts and organize our arguments into a cohesive strategy for defeating the forces of blatant and blissful ignorance led by our distinguished leader, the Idiot Boy King himself, George W. Bush! Boo, Hiss!

I invite everyone to participate, by passing along information on the misdeeds of the right and the complicity of the "left", (also known as power mongerers in liberal clothing), as well as letting everyone know when and where they can get involved in your area. As we are learning more and more everyday, politics is indeed local and we cannot count on anyone doing the job we "elected" them to do, mainly representing our interests, and really, how can we expect them to watch out for us when the are busy groveling at the feet of corporate special interests.

The time has come for us to rise up from our complacency and take back the reins of government. The mechanisms still exist for us to right the ship and renew the dream of freedom and equality for all Americans if we but have the audacity to stand up and use them. Politics is not brain surgery, if it were, how could people like Bill Frist, Tom Delay and Joe Liebermann be able to function. Any imbecile can do it, as any member of the Republican party will happily tell you. So join me as we try to set this great nation back on the right, (as in correct and proper, not as in fanatical, evangelical, kneeling in front of the plastic Jesus statue in the basement waiting for the Rapture), path.

But fear not simple-minded Republican backers, we at the Alarm hold a special place for you and your kind. In fact, my mother and sisters are of your ilk and I still love them, although I can't stand to be in a room with them for more than a few minutes at a time. Allow us to show you the truth of the arguments of the likes of Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Don't worry, there wont be much to read, I know how reading hurts Republican heads. Open your minds for just a few moments a day and you just might learn a thing or two, as awfully painful that might sound.

So once again, let me welcome one and all to the unceasing fight against stupidity and evil as we plan for the glorious day coming, (the 2006 elections not Judgement Day you morons), when people with sense and good judgement are once again in charge. Yes, mother , I mean Democrats!
2:37 AM :: ::
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